< rkeene> doubletwist, We have our own email accounts, and we login to
Exchange with them individually but the mailbox we access is a
single mailbox -- when someone on my team reads a message, it's
marked as read, etc. We don't have an individual email address
or mailbox.
<@teclo> separate logins to the same mailbox
<@teclo> sounds really dumb
< doubletwist> and it's frickin' retarded
<@teclo> yeah indeed
< rkeene> It's pretty common -- what's uncommon is not having a personal
mailbox in addition to the shared one
<@teclo> extremely retarded... must be an idea from management
< rkeene> It's politically motivated -- they pay per mailbox
<@teclo> ah, "politically". that's indeed more retarded than management
< rkeene> (Of course, we are the ones charging them per mailbox, for our
own mailboxes)
<@teclo> ah wait, "pay" ? Then it's not "politically" but "financially"
< rkeene> I say politically because the customer is mad that we charge
them for mailboxes for ourselves
< rkeene> So the customer has reduced the number of mailboxes by getting
rid of ours
<@teclo> sounds awful
< rkeene> So now they pay less, but we can't send them mail, so they
created mailboxes (completely separate from accounts, nothing
on our accounts changed) for each group and everyone in that
group shares that mailbox
< rkeene> It is awful. Noone should be doing anything this dumb.