#934 | 1
<Clerick> square root of ((n-(n+1))^2+(4n-n)^2) <Clerick> *cries* <Ivan> LMAO <Ivan> what is that shit <Clerick> thats my hw <Clerick> and im fucking lost <Ivan> what is it trig? <Clerick> pre calc <Wakko_Tequilla> u know derive? <Ivan> wow FICL <Ivan> fuck man * Ivan (~impstek@7716517.2b32ee69.lndnnh.adelphia.net) Quit (Quit: ?I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n? 2.0 Build 3515) <Wakko_Tequilla> i got the result <Clerick> cool! <Wakko_Tequilla> square root (9·n^2 + 1) <Clerick> sweet thats what i got <Clerick> ok heres one thing im confused at actually, (b-b)^2 <Wakko_Tequilla> try to find an english version of the tool derive <Clerick> should i just foil it out? <Clerick> o ok cool <Clerick> yo could u do the (b-b)^2 in derive please? i cant the program online